
Serolisa™ Anti-IgE Receptor (FcɛR1α) Autoantibody ELISA


This ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) kit is intended for the quantitative determination of human anti-human IgE Receptor (FcεR1α) autoantibody levels in human serum or plasma samples. The test may be useful for detecting patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria who have developed autoantibodies (mainly IgG) to the IgE receptor. 
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostics procedures.


The presence of anti-IgE receptor (FcεR1α) antibodies in patient serum or plasma has been associated with chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU), which is a common skin disorder affecting 0.5% to 1.8% of the general population. It is characterized by repeated occurrence of short-lived cutaneous wheals accompanied by redness and itching. Although the CSU symptoms are very much similar to those of acute urticaria triggered by allergens, in most CSU cases, there is no definite identifiable and direct external triggering factor.
The pathogenesis of CSU has not yet been fully elucidated, but a proportion of patients with CSU have been found to have functional autoantibodies. In CSU patients, circulation human anti-FcεR1α autoantibodies are seen in 30% to 60% and anti-IgE autoantibodies in 5% to 10%. These human autoantibodies are mainly IgG subtype.


Catalog no. KTR-802
Target Human anti-IgE Receptor (FcɛR1α)
Species Human
Method Sandwich ELISA
Tests Per Kit 96 tests
Detection Colorimetric
Sensitivity / LLOD 0.374 U/mL
Dynamic Range 0 - 100 U/mL
Total Incubation Time 1 hours 50 min
Sample Type Serum or plasma
Sample Volume 100 µL
Storage Temperature 2-8 °C
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.